काठमाण्डौ मै भीषण बाढी (Extreme floods in Kathmandu)

 बुधबार दिउँसोदेखि परेको पानीका कारण काठमाडौं उपत्यका जलमग्न भएको छ । यहाँका खोला नदीहरुमा ठूलो बाढी आएको छ । नदी छेउका कतिपय वस्ती डुवानमा पनि परेको छ ।काठमाडौंको कागेश्वरी मनोहरा नगरपालिका– ६ मूलपानीमा मनोहरा खोलामा बाढी आउँदा किनारका बस्ती जलमग्न भएको छ । सो क्षेत्रमा २ घण्टासम्म लगातार असिनासहित वर्षा भएको थियो ।


English Translation:-

Extreme floods in Kathmandu 
Kathmandu Valley has been inundated due to rain since Wednesday afternoon. 
There is a big flood in the rivers here. Some settlements along the river have also 
been submerged. Kageshwari Manohara Municipality-6 of Kathmandu has been
inundated due to flood in Manohara River in Mulpani. There was hail and rain for 
two hours in the area.

हेर्नुस कोरोनाको अर्को रुप (See another version of Corona)

कोरोना अहिले बिश्वोभरि फैलिरहेको कुरा सबैलाई बिदितै छ।  संसारका २०० सय भन्दा बढी  देशहरुले यसको रोकथामको लागि विभिन्न तौर तरिकाहरु अपनायका छन्।  त्यहि क्रममा बिश्वोमा बन्दाबंदि भयको महिनौ बितिसकेको  छ।  यसबाट सरकारले केहि मान्छेहरुको ज्यान बचाउन त सफल भयको देखिञ्छ, तर त्यस भन्दा भयानक भाइरस लाई हामीले कसैले पसल भित्र त कसैले घरभित्र थुनेर राख्नु परेको छ। पहिले हामीलाई खान लाउन दियका यी राम्रा जिबानु भाइरस हरुलाई यसरि थुनेर राख्दा यसले भयानक भाइरसको रुप धारण गरि हामीलाई बर्षौ सम्म पिडा दिने छ।   
English Translation:-

 Corona is now known all over the world. More than 200 countries around the world have adopted various methods to prevent it. At the same time, months of fear of captivity have passed in the world.  
The government seems to have succeeded in saving the lives of some people from this, but we have to keep the virus even worse inside the shops or inside the houses. Keeping these good tongue viruses, which we were first allowed to eat, in this way, will turn into a terrible virus and cause us pain for years.

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